The Unstoppable Podcast

167 - Best of This Year: 2022

Episode Summary

The year 2022 is coming to an end. It’s been a wild ride, and here on The Unstoppable Podcast, we’ve been incredibly lucky to host so many discussions with truly fascinating people from every corner of the Web3 space.

Episode Notes

The year 2022 is coming to an end. It’s been a wild ride, and here on The Unstoppable Podcast, we’ve been incredibly lucky to host so many discussions with truly fascinating people from every corner of the Web3 space.

It’s been tough to whittle it down to the highlights, but here’s our roundup of the best conversations we’ve hosted this year:

- Matt Gould: The growing importance of digital identity and how Web3 will impact this.

- Maria Shen: Her five new frontiers for NFTs, how this space is evolving and what the future holds.

- Sahil Lavingia at fweb3: The role of crypto as a financial asset, how it looks set to develop and whether it could outlast the USA.

- Shaan Puri at the Milk Road Newsletter: Building powerful, global communities using technology and Web3.

- Carra Wu at a16z: What crypto can learn from the city of Venice, how Web3 gaming looks set to evolve and how crypto can drive more economic stability.

- Scott Kominers, Professor of Business Administration, Entrepreneurial Management Unit at Harvard Business School: What the future holds for decentralized identity and building a more global digital infrastructure.

- Adam Levy, host of the Mint Podcast and Co-Founder at Bello: NFTs, collectibles and building successful and enduring Web3 communities.


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